Opening Hours: Closed on Saturday & govt. holiday. 24 hours Emergency Service daily even on holidays.

Chittagong Eye Infirmary and Training Complex

Training Program

CEITC has been conducting different training programmes since 1979 for developing Mid level Eye Care Personnel (MLECP) who assist/Supplement the work of ophthalmologists in the delivery of eye care services. For MLECP a number of courses and training are conducted which are as follows

Courses Duration
1. Ocular Microbiology and Laboratory 12 Month (s)
2. Certificate in Refraction & Low Vision 12 Month (s)
3. Orthoptics 6 Month (s)
4. Paediatric Optometry 6 Month (s)
5. Operation theatre Management 3 Month (s)
6. Glaucoma 3 Month (s)
7. Retina 3 Month (s)
8. Patient Counseling 3 Month (s)
9. Paediatric Nursing 3 Month (s)
10. Ocular Laboratory 3 Month (s)
11. Bio-Medical Training 3 Month (s)
12. Eye Care Management 3 Month (s)
13. Anaesthesia 1 Month (s)
14. Advance course on Low Vision 1 Month (s)
15. Observer ship – Subspecialty 1 Month (s)
16. Observer ship – Rotatory 12 Month (s)